
School-Wide Messaging Platform

Made for students, by students
Chat with Friends
Create school specific public groups
Post to the school-wide feed to share with all SchoolYard users at your school. Stay in touch with your school community!
Reply and share your thoughts on other user's posts. Answer questions, ask questions.

Simple & Easy to Use

Clean & simple interface designed to provide the best user experience

Sign Up

Choose a username to share with friends and community members.


Verify your login by using your school email account. Just to make sure you are able to access your school.

Start Posting!

Share ideas, questions, opinions with your community.Create public groups for sports, classes, clubs and more! Discover new groups to join

Join Groups

Create public groups for sports, classes, clubs and more! Discover new groups to join

What makes us different

Schoolyard is different because we provide a place where students can safely and securely communicate with the rest of their school. We strive to facilitate genuine connections between students at schools, something which is hard to do on social networks such as instagram, where it could be anyone on the other side of the screen. We also don't have push notifications, and followers things which have been proven to be harmful to teens mental health

Stay Connected With Your School!

Download the app to stay up to date with your school community! Share your ideas, interests, make new friends!Get the App